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Mold Consulting Testing & Remediation

-Certified and Trusted Mold Remediation Contractor-

We Deliver Healthy Homes & Workplaces!

Is your home or workplace making you sick?

There is a good possibility that there may be elevated levels of mold causing you some discomfort. Mold generally attacks people with compromized immune systems. Post remediation tesimonials from our clients state that they no longer suffer from chronic sickness symptoms.

Mold Remediation is Only One Step in Improving Your Indoor Air Quality!

Mold Remediation is the process of removing the elevated levels of mold in your indoor environment. Without understanding and rectifying the cause, the mold will return.

Technology is also apparent in the Testing of Mold!

Testing of Mold comes in many forms to which is common place for professionals like us. We are equipped with state-of-the-art testing equipment and procedures. We have the ability to test onsite with accuracy; taking less than a couple minutes. It is always wise not to asume that all dark spots are mold, as many times it is just not the case. We can advise you if further testing and analysis is recommended.

Call us for your Mold Remediation and Consulting needs!